
The Ethics of Neuromodulation for Consciousness Exploration

In 1641 Rene Descartes sat, ball of wax in hand, pondering the flexibility of material states and how such impermanence spoke to an object’s essence. Hundreds of years later, cognitive neuroscientists are probing into the recesses of the human brain, assessing its task-dependent states, and forming hypotheses regarding the underpinnings of its malleability. Just like […]

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MVPA (Multi Variate/Voxel Pattern Analysis): The Basics

Often times I feel restrained by the unfortunate, inherent shortcomings of medical and functional imaging data. The entire process is subject to a vast array of variability, assumptions, and “warpings” in many senses of the word. These, however minute the calculations and interpolations may be, carry an overarching sentiment of being haphazard. However, differences between […]

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